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Subtract baseline using robust fitting method


subtract_rf_baseline(data, yvar, span = 2/3, maxit = c(5, 5))



A dataframe containing the variable for baseline subtraction


The name of the column for baseline subtraction


Controls the amount of smoothing based on the fraction of data to use in computing each fitted value, defaults to 2/3.


The number of iterations to use the robust fit, defaults to c(5, 5) where the first value specifies iterations for asymmetric weighting function and the second value for symmetric weighting function.


A dataframe matching column in data plus raw and baseline columns


meats_long |> subtract_rf_baseline(yvar = transmittance)
#> # A tibble: 21,500 × 8
#>       id water   fat protein channel transmittance   raw baseline
#>    <int> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <int>         <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       1        -0.532  2.62     3.15
#>  2     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       2        -0.532  2.62     3.15
#>  3     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       3        -0.531  2.62     3.15
#>  4     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       4        -0.531  2.62     3.15
#>  5     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       5        -0.530  2.62     3.15
#>  6     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       6        -0.529  2.62     3.15
#>  7     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       7        -0.528  2.62     3.15
#>  8     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       8        -0.527  2.62     3.15
#>  9     1  60.5  22.5    16.7       9        -0.525  2.63     3.15
#> 10     1  60.5  22.5    16.7      10        -0.523  2.63     3.15
#> # … with 21,490 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows